
the curriculum

What citizens need to know.  1.Freedom and health are built on knowledge 2.You can learn, your mind is brilliant, it doesn't matter how you were born or what you've been told. The poorest orphan can do it. Anyone from any country. Just climb the ladder. Bootstrap. Believe in yourself.  3.Power and slavery. You are a slave. Who do you give your power to? To escape slavery individually and as a society, we need to educate ourselves. People that want slaves will fight against this. Makes it an uphill battle. Sing upstream. Everyone need to get involved to change the environment/climate of oppression/freedom. 

Learn...what I'm studying...the curriculum

11. Reading 'The Elephant in the Brain' again... "What will emerge in this investigation is a portrait of the human species that is strategically self deceived. Not only as 8bd8viduals but also as a society.  We, don't always know what our brains are up to, but often pretend to know, and therein lies the trouble. We are...strangers to ourselves. Why worry about a mouse in your friends mind when you have an elephant in your own." 10. Don't waste yourself at college for bad undergrad. Work for a few years first.  Start 10:27 9. The realization...what the world is and should be VS. the realization of how the world actually is. The disappointments of being ideological.  Start 4:30 8. Scott's take on white racism Start 58:58


 Some of the best commentary on marriage I've ever seen.


Christmas of 2022 has been felt to be less a time of nostalgia and remembering the heartwarming moments of our tradition with families and loved ones as it has been marked for myself as a time of cynicism for the absurdity of our current culture and lives. It's difficult not to notice the shift in the family gatherings and the signs of cultural shellshock exhibited by those in attendance staring at your phone has become the norm, COVID has become old news and nobody has the stomach to discuss the shit show of politics has become. Bright eyed version of our as James Poulos outlines so well in his book 'Human Forever' as a result of the digital swarm, we as a people have lost faith in our own American culture as predictably as Europe, who lost its faith in Christianity subsequent the illumination and shrinking of the world brought on in the wake of the proliferation of the electric age.  This same pattern feels never more true than in the cultural microcosm of the Mormon Chur

I hate lairs...

 Liars...i fuking hate liars. They're everywhere. Everyone is lying. I hate them all. Insanity. Insanity is lies. Stupid people make fertile geound for lies. I hate them all. Lies...i fuking hate lies. I'm so sick of trying to make my way through this lavruthb of lies and all these lunatics that enable the lie. Some people tell big lies and get away with it. Right... Liars. I fuking hate the liars. We should make a big list. I hate lies. This fundamental idea behind conspiracy theories is that there's some bullshit somewhere... There's so much evidence of bullshit... The CIAs history is never ending bullshit. I love truth. I have a mixed relationship with truth. A little schizophrenic right. I love truth. That's where my apostasy comes feom. I hate the liars. Just be honest. JS 40, 10, 10, 20, 23, 1a. Fuking bullshit. They love sick fuks in position of power...  It's time to burn the Vinyard. Vetting truth...  The propoganda is so thick...purposeful lies. https:

Hey You...

Condensed information. We live in the most interesting time. Crest of a wave. I'm eating ice cream with brown sugar. Boebert is getting groped on X. I don't know what could be better. It was the best of times it was the worst of times. What will happen next... People need to get a lot smarter. I don't have much hope. I hope they have souls. Again I don't have much hope. Sixth sense...six degrees it's Cloud Atlas. Which is fucking cool. Six different lifetimes and finally the hot Chinese girl wakes up to realize she's a fast food worker. The modern version of a slave and in the end all like her become dog food. The meaning of life. Why are these the first things I say? Set the stage? Things are moving fast. I'm getting old fast. I don't like it at all. I'm hoping to get back on my feet though. Stand up again. Maybe for the last time. Who knows. I was shocked to realize I would die. I never really understood that until I thought about it some m